Over the Easter weekend Luke and I flew to Lisbon to spend a hopeful 4 days in a warmer climate and some sun. We left on the Friday morning, had to be at the airport around 5am, so made for a very early morning and straight after my birthday drinks, I was slightly under the weather and very tired. Our hotel was in Estoril, along the Coast west of Lisbon.
We spent the Friday wandering around Estoril and Cascais, had a wonderful lunch of fish and this seafood rice stuff and some very yummy wine. Friday night we made our way into Lisbon to have a look around Alfama the old town area. Spoilt ourselves with a really nice dinner, hadn't quite got the deal with the nibbles at the beginning so ended up gorging on those and then were slightly full for the rest.
Saturday we had nice weather and headed into Lisbon to look at all the sites. Visited some cathedrals, castles and lots of monuments. We ended the day with dinner and a Fado show, a traditional Portuguese opera sort of show which is performed throughtout dinner.
Sunday was our rest and relaxation day and was to be spent lying on the beach in the sun. Unluckily for us the weather switched a little, it cooled down, got very windy and the clouds were coming and going. Still was nicer than what we had in London so all good. Tried out the casino near our hotel and was very disappointed, was smaller than the Brisbane casino!
Monday was our last day and we headed off to spend it in Sintra. Caught a bus there, so got to see some nice scenery and then went to the National Palace. Was very nice though not as spectacular as some others. We then headed up to Moors Castle a ruined castle on the top of a hill overlooking the town. Climbed to the top and the view was beautiful could see out in every direction.
After the climb headed back to Estoril for the painful trip back to London. Our flight was delayed and so we didn't end up getting home until about 4 in the morning. Although the next day at work was extremely painful the weekend was great and a nice change from the usual in London.